Linking Faith Community Nurses & Health Ministers, congregations, and local resources, to nurture community health equity with spiritual well-being.
Are you a registered nurse who wants to deepen your connection within your faith community? Consider becoming a
faith community nurse.
Do you enjoy caring for others and want to support your faith leader in caring ministries? Consider becoming a health minister.
Our Foundations Course prepares state licensed RNs for faith community nurse ministry and other caring individuals for health minister service.
Find a faith community nurse or health minister in our area.
HMN emphasizes mind, body, and spirit holistic health while respecting the principles of faith held by those we serve.
Provide a warm, healthcare presence through our Ask a Nurse clinic at the East Whatcom Regional Resource Center.
Find resources for incorporating advance care planning into your health ministry.
Advocate for recently discharged hospital patients using the power of faith community nurses and health ministers.
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